Thursday, November 15, 2012



When attempting to eat healthy one should consider the following:

Quality - raising methods, source, handling, sanitization, time, preparation all factors of food quality.
When You see an item:
1st priority: Organic, raw, non-gmo, unpasteurized, Grass-fed (for beef) (Un-altered by man)
next: Dairy free, gluten free, hormone free , pesticide free, nitrite free
next: natural (doesn't mean what you think), sugar free (check the source of sweetener), fat free( not a good thing at all)
Questions to ask: Regarding fruit/vegetables/nuts/seeds/meat/eggs/fish: What was it fed when it was raised?how was it treated?  what was done to it after it left the earth (sanitization is bad)? how long ago was that? Is it organic? Unpasteurized?

WHY ORGANIC: Organic means it was grown with natures methods without harmful chemicals, this protects you from many posionous chemicals used to grow produce and treat animals and genetically modified foods that threaten your health. It also Ensures the highest quality of food and is necessary to ensure your immune system especially early when consuming foods raw.  Organic is amongst the upmost importance when consuming anything.

WHY RAW: Raw foods are considered foods that have not been subject to heat, air pressure, or a ph inhibitor enough to kill the live enzymes that occur in those foods.The only reason to eat raw foods is to give yourself the proper live enzymes that occur in all raw foods that break down nutrients and dramatically increase the bioavailability (percentage of nutrients absorbed into cells). In essence, you just benefit more from foods consumed raw. The more raw foods you eat the better you feel, you can go 20% raw, 50% raw, and 100% raw, the foods you eat raw will just benefit you more.
The concern with raw foods is coming in contact with harmful bacteria especially associated with raw eggs and raw meat. And yes, the fact is eating raw foods does come with the risk of encountering other live bacteria, just like you do everyday everywhere you go. Another fact is officials in charge of food distributed to the general populace do not have your best health in mind. Rules given to "sanitize" food and protect you from harmful bacteria is apart of an effort to create sickness and destroy health for the collection of money. Your body has the same reaction to cooked foods as it does a bacterial infection such as a cold or flu. Cooked food also makes the ph of your body go down, meaning acidic, an environment that 99% of harmful bacteria live. These two factors contirbute to peoples immune systems being crippled, susceptible to much more of bad bacteria. Harmful Bacteria rarely occur in whole organic raw foods (ex. 1 out of every 1,000,000 organic cage free eggs has salmonella), and every egg has a little salmonella this is how immunities are built in the system. The gradual increase of raw foods to the diet will allow to immune system to adapt and build strong immunites to anything consumed. So, with animal proteins and everything eaten raw it very much depends on the quality of the food. Always do the research and make the decision if what you are going to consume is going to be right for your structures needs.
The main reason to eat raw is to provide yourself with the live enzymes that break down and make available the nutrients consumed in food that are heat (above 118 degrees), air, and ph sensitive.

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