Thursday, November 15, 2012



Liquid Water Only Occurs at a very small range on the temperature spectrum in the entire universe, making it sacred among universe' creation. Much speculation is given to liquid water being the primordial substance that gives rise to all life in the physical realm, due to its qualities and importance to life. The arrangement of water molecules is heavily influenced by the energy fields it is subjected to.  If You are aware of the research done by doctor Emoto he has exposed this as fact. Thoughts, words, feelings, actions, shape, music, color everything effects water whether in a harmonious way or disharmonious. So Through intention the structure of water will change and the structure of water has everything to do with how your cells absorb it and provide hydration which is the reason you drink water. Just Like all nutrients they are best crafted by nature, The best water you could create could only match the perfection of nature's methods. Therefore the process of creating water by the earth must be followed as closely as possible. It must be Cleaned, Balanced, Re-structured, Alkalkized, Vortxed, and blessed To be close to the product of nature. 

THE JIST: Water is everything
Bad water: Tap Water
Not that bad: Distilled , or RO water (filtered water)
Good: minerals and  filtered, maybe ionized
great: alkaline mineral ionized
Holy: Alkaline, mineralized, filtered, restructured, blessed


Water (H2O) is often perceived to be ordinary as it is transparent, odorless, tasteless and ubiquitous. It is the simplest compound of the two most common reactive elements, consisting of just two hydrogen atoms attached to a single oxygen atom. Indeed, very few molecules are smaller or lighter. Liquid water, however, is the most extraordinary substance.

Although we drink it, wash, fish and swim in it, and cook with it (although probably not all at the same time), we nearly always overlook the special relationship it has with our lives. Droughts cause famines and floods cause death and disease. It makes up over about half of us and, without it, we die within a few days. Liquid water has importance as a solvent, a solute, a reactant and a biomolecule, structuring proteins, nucleic acids and cells and controlling our consciousness. H2O is the second most common molecule in the Universe (behind hydrogen, H2), the most abundant solid material and fundamental to star formation. There is a hundred times as many water molecules in our bodies as the sum of all the other molecules put together. Life cannot evolve or continue without liquid water, which is why there is so much excitement about finding it on Mars and other planets and moons. It is unsurprising that water plays a central role in many of the World's religions. This web site discusses many aspects of water science with the exception of availability, agricultural and environmental issues


Water is the most studied material on Earth but it is remarkable to find that the science behind its behavior and function are so poorly understood (or even ignored), not only by people in general, but also by scientists working with it every day. The small size of its molecule belies the complexity of its actions and its singular capabilities. Liquid water's unique properties and chameleonic nature seem to fit ideally into the requirements for life as can no other molecule.

A number of explanations of the complex behavior of liquid water have been published, many quite recently, with several stirring up great controversy. In this web site, I have attempted to present these ideas in a self-consistent and balanced manner, which I hope will encourage both its understanding and further work.

WATER CLEANING METHODS: Now, The Goal here is to get the chemical composition of the water as close to H2O as possible, The method used by nature would be distillation first, then filtered through the ground, Vortexed restructured and mineralized while on its way to the surface.

Common Methods:
Distiallation vs. Reverse Osmosis:  Scientists have agreed that the cleanest lab quality water you can get is double distilled water, so water evaporated, condensated, and collected two times over. However with reverse osmosis you can achieve the same level of cleanliness in composition. BOTH these methods reset ruin or kill the structure of the water, but composition is important because a lot of heavy metals, poisonous chemicals, and bad intention comes with tap water. So whats better? The fact about distilled water is that is will draw minerals from your body to balance itself, its not essentially much cleaner unless double distilled which is rare, but it is used by nature, so it does and it doesn't really matter depending on what you need and they do both provide the basic necessity of the chemical composition you need to build good water.
Kangen and other filters: Heard good and bad things, remember chemical composition is not of the highest importance really.

IONIZATION  BODY ALKALINITY AND MINERALIZATION: From the cloud to the aquifer the water must filter through the ground which ionizes the water through the electric current held by the metals in the ground, and also collects those metals and all other minerals from the earth itself. Ionizing water is a natural process and alkalinity is very important to your bodies natural internal structure. Your body wants to be alkaline, It makes bodily functions easier, protects from most bacterial infections, improves immune function, and helps digestion. The addition of the minerals to the water is also very important for the balance of the water. Minerals are responsible for what your body needs to complete 95% of its metabolic functions.  As stated earlier distilled water absent of minerals will pull from your bodies supply of minerals, which was a negative side effect that comes with the use of distilled water by itself. Minerals also contribute to the ph of the water, granting it the proper alkalinity for hydration. So minerals are necessary again for hydration and proper balance of water.

Water Structure:  water structure is probably the most important facet of water absoprtion and effect on your body as a whole. As previously stated, your body is 70-90% water and accounts for a 100 times all the other cells in your body. Water can also store information, which also contributes to the structure of the water and the theory of earthlike planets (with an abundance of liquid water) being sacred in the universe; commonly fought over, potentially housing a vast amount of information, and being situated near many cosmic phenomena. The Most symmetrical, aesthetic, and harmonious structures found by doctor Emoto were from energy fields of positive energy. Thankyou, Love, Peace, Life, Light, Awareness, Beauty, Wisdom, Understanding, all create perfect golden phi structures that aligns with your bodys own perfect crystalline structure. Also techniques like the blessing from a monk or priest , using the solfreggio scale frequencies, and your own bodies positive intention are very useful methods in creating a strong balanced structure for your water. You see, you have been structuring your water as long as you've been thinking, awareness will add a whole new dimension of influence on this restructuring as well.

Vortexing: Vortexing happens underground before surfacing and affects the structure of the water in a positive manor regarding cellular absorption. All that must be done to the water is a vortex must be created within the water desired.

Solfreggio Frequency -
Doctor Emoto -
Restructuring Water:

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